[美] 暫時停止呼吸 (Dont Breathe) (2016)
[美] 尋龍傳說 (Petes Dragon) (2016)
[美] 光榮擂台 (Hands of Stone) (2016)
[英] 戰爭兄弟 (brothers of war) (2015)
[美] 極速秒殺2 (Mechanic: Resurrection) (2016)
[瑞典] 秋光奏鳴曲 (Autumn Sonata) (1978)
[美] 我找賓拉登 (Army of One) (2016)
[美] 星際爭霸戰:浩瀚無垠 (Star Trek Beyond) (2016)
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[法] 我的老爸喵星人 (Nine Lives) (2016)
[美] ID4星際重生 (Independence Day: Resurgence) (2016)
[美] 魔鬼剋星 (Ghostbusters) (2016)
[美] 國定殺戮日:大選之年 (The Purge: Election Year) (2016)
[美] 魔境夢遊:時光怪客 (Alice Through the Looking Glass) (2016)
[法] 吾父吾血 (Blood Father) (2016)
[美] 泰山傳奇 (The Legend of Tarzan) (2016)
[美] 中央情爆員 (Central Intelligence) (2016)
[美] 忍者龜:破影而出 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows) (2016)
[美] 終極標靶2 (Hard Target 2) (2016)
[美] 厲陰宅2 (The Conjuring 2) (2016)
[美] 出神入化2 (Now You See Me 2) (2016)
[英] 天才無限家 (The Man Who Knew Infinity) (2016)
[美] X戰警:天啟 (X-Men: Apocalypse) (2016)
[美] 與森林共舞 (The Jungle Book) (2016)
[美] 假會徵信社 (The Nice Guys) (2016)